E-Learning Courses
Sleep Medicine
Orofacial Pain/TMD/Neurology
Myofunctional Therapy
Health and Well Being
Fast and Functional
Sleep Medicine

Professor Adrian Williams
Respiratory Consultant and Sleep Specialist
The Evolution of Sleep Medicine

Dr Steven Olmos and Dr Grace Petrikowski
Sleep & TMD Dentist, and Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Radiology Interpretation for OSA/TMD Adults and Children

James Leinhardt and Louise Rogerson
Chartered Physiotherapist
Sleep Posture Mastery

Dr Karina Patel, Sarah Beach, Dr Damian Teo and Dr Leon Kitipornchai
Sleepwell Australia's multi-disciplinary team
Sleep Medicine- A multidisciplinary approach in Dentistry

Dr Karina Patel and Sarah Beach
Dentist & Oral Health Therapist
New Technology in Sleep Appliance Therapy - The NOA Mandibular Advancement Device

Dr Karina Patel and Sarah Beach
Dentist & Oral Health Therapist
Are YOU Sleeping Well?

Dr Tiina Orasmäe-Meder
Head of UK-based Meder Beauty International Ltd
Unlocking the Secret to Radiant Skin: The Science of Circadian Rhythms

Dr David Schwartz
Discover the Difference: Why the right oral appliance matters

Dr Diana Bueno Toro
Nightlase Essentials: A Laser Approach to Sleep Airway Health

Prof. Leon Lack
Flinders University
Unlocking Better Sleep with Retimer light therapy glasses
Orofacial Pain/TMD/Neurology

Dr Steven Olmos
Sleep & TMD Dentist
The role of Motor nerve reflexes in finding the origin of pain

Timothy King and Sarah Beach
Myotherapist and Myofunctional Therapist
3 Things Every Healthcare Professional Needs to know about TMJ and Orofacial Pain

Darron Goralsky
Temporomandibular Disorders -Has the Dental Profession Bitten off More than it can Chew?

Dr Steven Olmos and Dr Grace Petrikowski
Sleep & TMD Dentist, and Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Radiology Interpretation for OSA/TMD Adults and Children

Dr Brett Liliie
Neck vs Bite: joining the dots of a hidden connection

Dr Daniel Klauer
Clinical Director of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre
The Role for PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) in TMJ Therapy
Myofunctional Therapy

Dr Scott Wustenberg
OAFMS Focused Chiropractor
OAFMS Epigenetics and reflex issues in the pregnancy leading to tongue tie

Dr Richard Baxter
Paediatric Dentist
Tongue-Tie Update: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know about Tongue-Ties

Patricia Pine
Orofacial Myologist
The CEO of the Body Links Orofacial Myology Disorders to Physical Health

Angie Lehman
Myofunctional Therapist
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and the Devolution of the Face

Dr Lawrence Kotlow
Specialist Paediatric Dentist
Our Tongue is More than Just a Simple Muscle!

Timothy King and Sarah Beach
Myotherapist and Myofunctional Therapist
3 Things Every Healthcare Professional Needs to know about TMJ and Orofacial Pain

Cheree Wheaton
Oral Health Therapist & Myofunctional Therapist
Measuring Up – an introduction to measuring the orofacial region

Joy Lantz
Myofunctional Therapist
Cracking the Code: How Early Detection Unlocks Myofunctional Potential

Dr Nada Makki-Karnib
Speech Pathologist
Integrating Oromyofunctional therapy and myofunctional devices in the treatment of tongue thrust swallowing

Linda D'Onofrio
Instructor at D'Onofrio Institute for Advanced Myofunctional Studies
Ethical dilemmas in Oromyofunctional therapy

Angie Lehman
Myofunctional Therapist
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and the Devolution of the Face

Dr Rosalba Courtney
Nasal Breathing Rehabilitation - A Functional Approach
Health and Well-Being

Dr Louis Chan
Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Craniofacial Pain, Sleep and Wellness through Chinese Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Kellie Rose
PhD Exercise Science
Body Science Strategies for Burnout Prevention

Dr Scott Wustenberg
OAFMS Focused Chiropractor
OAFMS Epigenetics and reflex issues in the pregnancy leading to tongue tie

Dr Richard Baxter
Paediatric Dentist
Tongue-Tie Update: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know about Tongue-Ties

Patricia Pine
Orofacial Myologist
The CEO of the Body Links Orofacial Myology Disorders to Physical Health

Angie Lehman
Myofunctional Therapist
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and the Devolution of the Face

Dr Lawrence Kotlow
Specialist Paediatric Dentist
Our Tongue is More than Just a Simple Muscle!

Joy Lantz
Myofunctional Therapist
Cracking the Code: How Early Detection Unlocks Myofunctional Potential

Dr Nada Makki-Karnib
Speech Pathologist
Integrating Oromyofunctional therapy and myofunctional devices in the treatment of tongue thrust swallowing

Dr Scott Wustenberg
OAFMS Focused Chiropractor
OAFMS's Impact on Neurological Development Including Retained Primitive Reflexes
Fast and Functional

Timothy King
TMD & Orofacial Pain Course
A Practitioners Guide to Treating TMD and Orofacial Pain

Timothy King
Dysphagia Workshop
What do you get

Education by experts in the field

Continuing Professional Development

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